wax specialist corner set up


Please read all of the business policies bellow.

We understand things happen.

We will always try to do our best to accommodate. Please be mindful that there’s only so much wiggle room for us to work with.

Our policy allows us to stay in business, so there are no exceptions.

eyebrow wax set up
  • Please give a 24 HOUR notice prior to the scheduled appointment to CANCEL OR RESCHEDULE free of charge.

    Cancellation within the 24 hours prior to your appointment will result in a $10 late fee charged to the card on file. If all time frames are met any fee’s held will be fully refunded to the card on file. Failure to update your card information will result in a possible restriction from booking future appointments.

  • Credit/Debit Card must be kept on file in order to reserve an appointment, card will only be charged if failed to meet the cancellation time frame or in violation of the NO CALL, NO SHOW policy.

    No exceptions.

  • 10 MINUTE GRACE PERIOD. If you’re running more than 10 minutes, you will be subject to a $10 additional late fee.

    If you’re 15 minutes past your scheduled appointment time and can no longer be serviced you may be charged 50 PERCENT of the scheduled service to the card on file.

  • If you are not totally satisfied with your service, you have 5 days after your scheduled service to come back for a touch up free of charge. After the 5 days you may be charged with a small fee.

  • NO CALL, NO SHOW will result in 50 PERCENT of the scheduled service to be charged to the card on file.

How To Prepare for Your Appointment

No shaving!

— There needs to be at least 2 weeks’ worth of hair growth in order for the wax to be affective.

How long will it last?

— You’ll be baby soothe for 1.5 weeks, although everyone has different time frames based on their particular hair growth cycles.

Can I take a painkiller before my wax?

— Sure, ensure you’re taking it 45 minutes prior to your appointment to help with any discomfort.


— Not necessary but always appreciated.

Clean skin allows for a seamless wax. Avoid applying moisturizers or body oils the day of your appointment.

What kind of wax is used?

— Se Soucier exclusively uses Premium Italian Hard Wax.

Can I get waxed while pregnant?

— You can consistently get waxed up until your due date. Typically, you can resume waxing 6-8 weeks after giving birth. Always consult with your physician for guidance.


— Before your appointment, exfoliate the area to be serviced to loosen up any congested hair follicles

How long does a Brazilian/Bikini wax take?

— Typically ranging from 10 to 25 minutes depending on the wax routine.

Will it hurt?

— Beauty is pain.

